We Will Provide You With Every Type Of Geodetic Service
Nobody needs surveying services every day. That’s why when you need services of this kind, turn to Land Surveyors Gloucester.
Our company has been around for decades and therefore has extensive experience in geodetic services. We also follow all modern technologies, so in addition to experience, we can also provide you with high-quality modern work.
If you need geodetic surveying of the terrain, recording of buildings, marking of plots, preparation of various marking projects, preparation of situational plans, cadastral and applied geodesy, real estate registration and much more in the field of geodesy, contact Land Surveyors Gloucester immediately.
When you want to record an object, it involves recording the object on the ground in external dimensions. In addition, our company will make sure that it all goes through the real estate cadastre, so we do most of the work for you. The recording of objects also includes the recording of lines of all installations such as electrical installations, water installations, telephone installations, gas installations and other networks that exist.
The prices of the services offered by our agency vary from facility to facility. It primarily depends on the area of the object, what is its purpose, then if the object is not registered, what needs to be done before registration. It is also very important whether the object is in the cadastre of land or real estate, as well as whether it is divided within the object. As you can see, there are many factors that affect the price, so it varies from case to case.
We also measure the plot, divide the plot, as well as create cadastral-topographic plans, situational plans and everything else that investors need.
If you need land surveying services, Land Surveyors Gloucester is just a click away. With us you will find everything you need.